Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hair Dryer Power

Did you know there is a difference in hair dryers besides shape and color? I didn’t. I thought all hair dryers were the same and did the same thing – dry hair. I have learned I was very wrong in this assumption.

Recently I switched gyms and the locker room has a different type of dryer then my previous gym. I started using it and ever since I have been getting nothing but complements about my hair. Everyone wants to know: Did I cut my hair? No. Did I get highlights? No. Am I using some amazing new product? No. All I’m doing is using a new dryer.

I can’t believe I have been stressing over my inability to make my hair attractive for – entire life – and all I’ve had to do to get the hair attention I craved was to buy a better hair dryer? It's so simple its genious.

I’ve never liked my hair or doing my hair. My hair is straight – I, of course, have always wanted curly. When I was a teen I would get up at the crack of dawn to curl every strand of my pin straight hair into a teased up hair band mess that I loved. You want product, I was a child of the 80’s and we swam in hair products. My bangs were so high I looked like I had a giant puffy horn coming out of the center of my head and I loved it.

With age I let go of the crack of dawn grooming sessions. I tried perming, that never stayed. I did the hot roller thing, but in the summer I would be perspiring so much between the hot rollers on my head and the mid-west humidity that my hair would actually get wet while I was trying to curl it.

Eventually I gave up, worn out from all those years of styling I cut my hair off. I cut my hair so short that styling it and my dreams of long flowing attractive hair were moot. I let go of the fantasy and walked around with my pixi cut trying to convince myself that I liked looking like Mia Farrow during her married to Frank Sinatra years, but the truth is I never let go of my dream, what I did was get out of the habit of worrying about it.

So years go by and my hair would get a little long, then I would cut it off again and start all over. I went from styling the life out of it every morning to never styling it. I was a true wash and go girl and assumed I was destined to live an average hair life, I had accepted my fate. Then this magical hair dryer came into my life.

After a blow dry with this dryer my hair is bouncy, full and shiny. I have contemplated stealing this dryer many times, you must understand, it is magical. I wash, I condition, I dry it and brush it – that’s it and you would have thought I had Frederic Fekkai on retainer from the comments I get.

My Dad does a lot of handy man stuff and he once told me about the importance of tools to anyone trying to construct something. Well, I never really understood that statement until now. The final piece of my hair quest came to me – the perfect hair dryer. Watch out world my hair is back!

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