Saturday, October 24, 2009

What Do You Do to Lift Your Spirits?

I saw a magazine story about a man who lost everything in some bad investments. He now has to drive a cab 12-14 hours a day to make a basic living. When he is feeling down he stops at the Frick and looks at the Rembrandts saying, “how he painted hands is the most beautiful thing in the world. Rembrandt’s hands always lift my spirits”. That got me thinking, what do I do?

1. Go for a bike ride – I love the feeling of biking for fun, it is the same sensation I had when I was a kid and it never is less

2. Watch a movie – I love the solitariness of going to see a movie by myself, there is something comforting about being anonymous in a dark theatre with a film (good or bad) playing

3. Browse in a book store – Oh one of my favorite things to do, no matter what is in my head I’m going to find something more interesting to think about

4. Walk around taking pictures – This reminds me to look around and see what others are doing and how their lives are, it gets me out of my life and helps me to remember I am one of many

5. Have wine or champagne – really both make everything much better

6. Sit by the water or in the park – nature really does sooth all ills

7. Visit a museum – just like a bookstore, museums get me out of my head because there is certainly something more interesting then me to think about

8. Go for a swim – see biking, the same feelings of energy and youth are with me when I swim

9. Look at old journals – oh my goodness, if you want to see how far you’ve come read what your problems were ten years before – it puts everything into perspective

10. Read the NY Post – I love good gossip and tabloid I find it very entertaining

11. Go someplace private, quiet and pretty – what more do you need to refresh then privacy, silence and ambiance?

12. Scrapbook – yes, I scrapbook and I think it is fun and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

13. Check out Facebook – Checking in with friends and what they are up to, someone always makes me smile

14. Make a plate of beautiful fresh food – emotional eating can be good

15. Write – Nothing purges emotions like writing it down, plus you then get to laugh at it all later (see #9)

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